
HARDY WEINBERG LAW | Online Biotech Notes

HARDY WEINBERG LAW | Online Biotech Notes


       According to Hardy (England,1908) and Weinberg (Germany, 1909), gene and genotype frequency of a Mendelian population remain constant generation after generation unless there is selection, mutation, migration or random drift.

       Suppose in a population of plant species, a gene has two allele having frequency 'p’ and 'q' resp.

       The frequencies of their genotypes are p^2, 2pq and q^2.

       Sum of both frequencies are equal to 1.

       P^2 + 2pq +q^2 =1 , this is also known as Hardy- Weinberg law equation.

        Acc. to this law, the frequency of p and q in a population remains constant  generation after generation unless there's any factor's influence.

Random union of Gametes

       Simple mathematical expression that relates genotype and allele frequencies.

       The equation is used to determine genotype frequencies based on allelic frequencies.

       In random mating among gametes ;Male and Female gametes unite at random to yield zygotes.

       Frequency/probability of male and female gametes will be product of their individual frequency in the population.


u  Let the frequency of two alleles A , a are

F(A)=p; F(a)=q

And we know that p + q=1

The union of male and female will yield genotypes –

AA, Aa, aa

The frequency of these genotypes will be – p2 ,2pq,q2


i.e. F(AA)=p2



       All AA individual will produce only A gametes.

       All Aa individuals will produce half A &half a gametes.

       All aa individuals will produce only a gametes.

       Frequency of A gametes = all gametes from AA individual + half from Aa

      = p2 +  ½(2pq)

      = p2 +p q

      = p(p + q)          as  p+ q =1

      = p

Now, frequency of a gametes will be

     = all gametes from aa individual + 1/2 gametes from Aa

     = q2 + ½(2pq)

     = q2 + p q

     = q(p + q)           as  p + q =1  

     = q

u  Hence , frequency of A & a gametes produced by new generation will be same as those of parental generation.

   Therefore ,Hardy – Wienberg law is proved.



Q : Say, in a population of 100 individuals 40     have MM , 40 MN , 20 have NN blood groups.

  (a). Calculate the allelic frequency of M & N?

  (b).  What are the genotype frequency after one random mating?

A : (a) Allelic frequency of M and N:

     Genotypes : MM   MN   NN

     Proportions : .40     .40    .20

     Frequency of M = .40 + .20 = .60

     Frequency of N = .20 + .20 = .40

      (b). Genotype frequency after one random mating.

   Frequency of MM = .6*.6 = .36

   Frequency of Mn  = 2(.6 * .4) =.48

   Frequency of NN = .4*.4 =.16


   The fonding population are not in genetic equilibrium as  the genotypic frequency were .40 MM , .20 MN & .20 NN.

   After one random mating these are .36 , .48 , .16 .

u   Again after one random mating the frequencies will be .36, .48 , .16 so the population  has reached equilibrium.



Q : If p = 0.8 ( i.e. frequency of A is 80% )

   q = 0.2 ( i.e.  frequency of a is 20% )

   µ = 10-5

Find out the frequency of A & a after mutation ?

A : ∆q = pµ = 0.8 * 10-5  = 0.000008

    therefore ,in the next generation

    qn+1   = 0.2 + 0.000008 = 0.200008

     pn+1  = 0.8 – 0.000008 = 0. 799992


Q : Find out the frequency of A after 1000 generations ? If p= 0.8 , t = 1000 , µ = 10-5

  A : (1-µ)t  = pt / po

       (1- 0.00001)1000  =pt / 0.8

       pt = 0.792

       therefore, after 1000 gen. frequency  

       will drop from 0.8 to 0.792


u     It means mutation rate affects allele frequency very slowly.   


Factors Affecting The Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

u  There are 4 factors that affects Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium



(3).Random genetic drift

(4).Natural selection


       Usually convert one functional allelic form of a gene into less functional allelic form.

       Mutation of allele is a source of all genetic variations.

       New alleles only occurs as a result of mutations.

       Thus , mutation play important role in evolution.

       The term mutation is used to express the rate at which more functional allele is mutated into less functional allele.

       Symbolised by µ.

       Range  10-5   -  10-6 per generation.


How mutation rate affects allele frequencies?

u  First case:

Suppose gene A is mutating to gene a at the rate of µ.

F(A) = po  ;  F(a) = qo  before mutation

F(A) = p   ;  F(a) = q   after mutation

Frequency of newly produce a allele = po  µ

Total frequency of a allele after mutation = qo  + po  µ

Total frequency of A allele after mutation = po  - qo µ

Hence, q = q + po µ

           ∆q = po µ  

If po  is replaced by p then

           ∆q = pµ

It should be noted that value of p will decrease with every generation as

this is the case when reverse mutation is taken as compared to forward mutation.


u  Second case:

When reverse mutation is taken into consideration. Let us suppose that rate of mutations from A to a is “µ” & from a to A is “v”.

Forward mutation = A to a

Reverse mutation = a to A

F(A) = po  ;   F(a) = qo

Thus , due to forward and reverse mutation po  will decline po  µ & increase by qo  v.

  so, the value of p after mutation = p1  

  p1  = po - po µ +qo  v

  ∆p = p1  - po   =  qo  v – p µ

This is the case of forward and reverse mutation thus ,  p & q will change due to mutation when

po µ ≠ qo  v

But , when po µ = qo  v ; the values of p &  q will not be affected by mutation and they will be

at equilibrium known as Mutational Equilibrium.


u  At  Mutational equilibrium :

 po µ  = qo  v

 p0 µ  = v(1- po  )

 po µ  = v – po  v

 v      = po µ + po  v

 v      = po  (µ + v)

 po     = v/( µ + v)

 po     = equilibrium frequency of A

 qo     = equilbrium frequency of A

2. Migration or Gene Flow

It is the movement of genes which takes place only when organism or Gametes migrate and contribute their gene to the gene pool of the recipient population.

Migration Ratio-    M / (M+N)

      ‘M’ = No. of migration individual.

      ‘N’= No. of individual in the population before Migration.

      ‘M+N’ = total no. of individuals (after migration).

Example:- A species of bird may occupy two geographic regions  on rare occassion, the birds from western population by flying to eastern population. If two population have different allele frequencies and if migration occur in sufficient no. it may alter the allelic frequency of eastern population.

3. Random Genetic Drift

    Random change in allelic frequency due to chance or sampling error is called random genetic drift. The effect of this is large on  small population.


u  Suppose 10 individuals are inhabiting at an island. 5 of them have green eyes and 5 have brown eyes and green eye color is recessive to brown eye color.

Answer :-

     F(B) = 0.6 ; F(b) = 0.4;

One day a typhoon strikes and kills 50% population. And all the killed     ones were green eyed color individuals.

Thus, evolution occurs in the population during which the allele frequency of brown eyes is changed from 0.6 to 1.0, simply as a result of chance.

So , in small populations one of the allele is eliminated and other is fixed at 100%.and the allele become monomorphic & cannot fluctuate any further.

We can determine the no. of generations required by an allele to be fixed by the formula:

                         E = 4N

 E  = avg. no. of generation to achieve fixation

 N = no. of individuals in a population , assuming that male & female contribute equally in each suiciding generation.


4. Natural Selection

u  In 1850’s Charles Darwin and Alfreel Russell Wallace. Independently proposed the theory of Natural Selection.

u  According to this theory, there is a “struggle for existence’’. The conditions found in nature result in the selective survive and reproduction of individuals whose characteristics makes them well adapted according to their environment. These individual are more likely to reproduce and control offspring to next generation. More recently it has been realized that natural selection can be related not only to differential survival but also to mating efficiently and fertility.

4(a). Directional Selection

u  Favours the survival of one extreme of a phenotypic distribution, that is better adapted.

     For example:-  In a dimly lit forest , directional selection world favors snail with darker shells ,because they world be better camouflaged and less susceptible to predation.  

4(b). Disruptive Selection

u  Disruptive selection favors the survival of two or more different phenotype classes of individual.

u  Example – disruptive selection favors the survival of dark shelled and lighted snails that occupy a heterogenous environment.

4(c). Stabilizing Selection

u  It favors the survival of individuals with intermediate phenotypes.

u  For Example:- Moderately colored snails may survive better in an environment that has an intermediate level of life


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