
Cells of the immune system | Online Biotech Notes

Cells of the immune system | Online Biotech Notes

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Cells of the immune system:

WBC or leukocytes are divided into three categories:

  1. Lymphocytes
  2. Monocytes
  3. Granulocytes --  dedritic


  • 20-30 population
  • B cells
  • T cells
  • Natural killer cells

A). B-Lymphocyte-

1. Site of maturation

  • Bursa of fabriscus in birds
  • Bone marrow in mammals 
2. membrane bound immunoglobulin

3. Once antigen is encountered.


  •  Plasma cells – antibody can be secreted die within 1-2 weeks.
  • Memory7 B cells – some membrane bound antibody as present B cells longer life span.

B). T-Lymphocytes:-

1. Site of maturation

  • Thymus

2. T cells receptor

  • Only recognize antigen that is bound to cell membrane proteins called major histocompatibility complex (MCH).
  • Once antigen in encountered with MHC differentiation;

                a). Effectors  T cells 

                b). Memory T cell

3. 2 subpopulations 

  • i). T helper (TH)
  • ii). T cytotoxic (TC)
  • iii). And now T regulatory(Treg)

                a). T helper cells:- 

      • CD4 glycoprotein
      • Help activation of B cells Tc cells macrophages in immune response

                b). T cytotoxic cells:-

      • CD8 glycoprotein 
      • It is called cytotoxic T lymphocytes 
      • Eliminates injected cells or cancerous cells

                c). T regulatory cells:-

      • CD4+, CD25+ & fox P3+ receptor.
      • Help suppress the immune system.

C). Natural killer cells:-

  • Innate immune response
  • Large, granular
  • Recognize tumor or virus – infected cells.
  • CD16 – which can recognize a region of antibody that has attached to cell infected by virus?
  • Monocytes  (mononuclear phagocytes)

    1. Mononuclear phagocytes 
    2. Monocytes circulate in blood and then migrate into tissue and differentiate into specific macrophages.

                     a). Distribution of macrophage

      • Intestinal macrophage in gut 
      • Alveolar macrophages in lung.
      • Histiocytes in connective tissue.
      • Kupffer cells in the liven.
      •  Mesangail cells in the kidney.
      • Microglial cells in the brain.
      • Osteoclasts in bone.

                    b).Function of macrophage;-

      • The primary function of the macrophage is to promote phogocytosis.
      • Macrophage id used as antigen presenting cell & present the antigen to T-cells via MHC.

Granulocytes: -

Granulocytes contain large granule in their cytoplasm which is visible under light microscope & according to their granules present in their cytoplasm it is divided into three cell type:-

  1. Neutrophils
  2. Eosinophils
  3. Basophils  
cells of immune system, Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils
Cells of Immune System


  • Multi lobed nucleus, light granules.
  • 1st to arrive at site of inflammation.
  • High neutrophils us 1st indication of infection (acute infection)
  • Phagocytosis.
  • Generate antimicrobial agents


Eosinophils, like neutrophils are motile phagocytic cells that can migrate from the blood into the tissue spaces. They play a role in the defense against parasitic organisms. The secreted content of eosinophilic granules (Basic protein) may damage the parasite membrane.


  • Basophils are nonphagocytic granulocytes that function by releasing pharmacologically active substances (histamine) these substances play major role I certain allergie responses.  

Dendritic cell:-

  • Long membranous extensions, look like dendrites on nerve cells.
  • Antigen presentation via MHC.
  • 4 major groups;-
  • Langerhans DC
  • Interstitial DC
  • Monocyte – derived DC
  • Plasmacytoid derived DC
  • Following Dendnitic cell
  • Involved with B cell maturation.

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