
what is structure of dna in human?

what is structure of dna in human?

Online Biotech Notes

what is structure of dna in human?

what is structure of dna in human? 

The double halide structure of DNA by James Watson & Francis Crick in 1953 (Noble Prize, 1962). The DNA structure us considered as a milestone in the era of modern biology.

1. The DNA is a right handed double helix. It consist of two polydeoxyriboneuclotides (stands) fisted around each other on a common axis.

2. The two strands are ant parallel, i.e. one strand runs in the 5’ to 3’ direction which the other in 3’ to 5’ direction.

3. The width (or diameter) if a double helix is 20 A (2nm).

4. Each term (pitch) of the helix is 34 A (3.4mn) with 10 pairs of nueclotides, each pairs placed at a distance of about 3.4 A (.

5. The back bone of DNA id hydrophilic up of sugar & phosphate and hydro phobic base present inside the DNA helix.

6. The two strands are complementary in their base pairing. They are Nitrogenous base Adenine joined to thymine by Double. H-bond (A=T) and cytosine joins Guanine by triple H-bond (C=G).

7. The complementary base pairing in DNA helix proves Chargaff rules. The content of adenine equal to thymine (A=T) and guanine equals to cytosine (G=C) but there % age vary species to species.

8. The double helixes of DNA contain wider major groups &narrow minor groves. The grooves main function interacts with protein.
Dna Structure Online Biotech Notes

Types of DNA:-

There are 3 types of DNA present in the cell of A, B& Z DNA.


A Form

B Form

Z Form

Helical Sense

Right handed

Right handed

Left handed


26 A

20 A

18 A

Base pair per helical turn




Helix rise per base pair

2.6 A


3.7 A





Glycosyl bond conformation



Anti for pyramidine syn for purine

Conditions for DNA

75% relative humidity

Na+, K+, Cs+     ions.

92% relative Humidity Low ion strength

Very high salt concentration.



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