
Opportunistic pathway | Online Biotech Notes

Opportunistic pathway | Online Biotech Notes

 Online Biotech Notes

Opportunistic pathway, online biotech notes, Opportunistic pathway online biotech notes

Opportunistic pathway

  • They are potentially pathogenic organisms. They infect our body only when our immunity is low.
  • They cause disease when our cell mediated immunity & humoral immunity is absent.
  • AIDS patient has immunity weak due to lack of CD4+ the cells therefore they are more prone to opportunistic infection.

Examples of opportunistic infection

1)      Mycobacterium tuberculosis = tuberculosis

2)      Pneumocystis pneumonia = Pneumonia

3)       Streptococcus pneumonia = pneumonia

4)      Neustria meningitides = meningitis

5)      Cytomegalo virus (CMV) = neuropathy

True pathogens

  • True pathogen cause infection to healthy organisms. It can causes infection & alimentary canal, respiratory tract skin infection or urogenital tract infection.

Example of true pathogen

1)    Infection of alimentary tract infection:-

a.      E.g.- salmonellosis

b.      Typhoid fever (salmonella typhe)

c.       Vibrio  cholera

d.      Shigellosis

2)      Infection of UTI:-

a.      E.g.- neisseria gonorrhea

b.      Treapenoma palladium (syphilis)

3)      Infection of Respiratory tract:-

a.      E.G.- Streptococcus Pyrogenes ( Strep throat)

b.      Coryenabacterium diphtheria

c.       Mycobacterium

4)      Infection of skin:-

a.      Impetigo – S. aurous

b.      Acne – propioni bacterium

c.       Small pox – small pox virus

d.      Chicken pox –varicella zoster virus


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